Monday, September 30, 2013

Another Monday Flashing Before My Eyes...

I'm amazed at the fact that I had such a busy day that it felt like it was over in a blink of an eye! And all at the same time, I'm drained like a noodle-strainer.
Why do we knowingly do harmful things to ourselves? I'm at the beginning stages of a cough-cold and I'm have the symptoms of lack-of-sleep-idis...
But do you think I am actually following through with my plan to go straight to bed after night prayer?
Do you think I will shut my window tonight so as to block the cool breeze flowing through the crack?
Do you think I would stop doing useless things on the computer-simultaneously ruining my eyes and losing sleep time?
Wouldn't it be smart to AVOID all these things that are likely to make me more sick?

Or here's another situation: I'm in the awkward position of possibly having to tutor a socially-awkward older ex-friend. I tried to help him out last year by explaining to him in a frankly-confrontational way the reasons he was awkward. I tried to suggest things like hanging out with more guys opposed to girls, etc...I thought everything had turned out all right to find out, during the last week of school, that he didn't listen to a word I said. I told him to stop texting me (he was living vicariously through text messages, and I hate deep conversations through texts!).The last thing he texted me: "Ok, Liz, I'm deleting everyone's numbers. I hope your happy."
Honestly, I was, because I did as much as I could.
Long story short, all tutees are required to set up the first meeting, so it's in his (and the Good Lord's) hands...
I'm kinda stressing out.
So, of course, ever since I found out, God has been trying to send me little messages of hope/peace. Such as this clever quote a friend posted on facebook:

And at Mass (which was immediately following the announcement of being a tutor to my ex-friend), Fr.VocationsDirector gave a beautiful homily about St. Therese and the beauty of depending on God with a child-like dependence-the beauty of giving the Lord our burdens so we are free to love Him more...of course to look the Corpus after hearing those words...couldn't have been more perfect!

God is poking my heart with a little stick...silently reminding me that I need Him more than anything.


I always forget that I can't do it alone...

Lord, take this time to allow me to depend on You, and You alone.

Happy Vigil of the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux!

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