Monday, May 16, 2016

My Journey with Matt

...Matthew Kelly, that is.
The Catholic churches in my hometown have a strong liking for this man and his ministry, Dynamic Catholic. So much so that they'll purchase hundreds of copies of books like The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, Rediscover Catholicism, and Rediscover Jesus. Since I have an addiction to free things, I am all about collecting these. However, I also suffer from procrastination and a new diagnoses, Reader's Block, during my time in school. Because of this, the situation usually goes like this:

*sees stacks of free books after church*
Oooh! A new one!
- Liz, you haven't even touched one of the copies you picked from the last book they gave out.
But this one looks good...
- They all look good.
Well, even if I don't read it, it's still good to have these on hand for the day that someone comes to me with questions...I can direct them to an author who knows what he's talking's the gift that keeps on giving, right?
- ...
*grabs a copy, adds it to the collection on the bookshelf*
And that is how I end up with 3 copies of Dynamic Catholic.

Well, the vicious cycle is coming to an end because I'm going to start reading Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation.

The inspiration came from a priest's homily this past weekend. He has quoted the book multiple times, and it got me thinking that it's time I read it too.

This marks the beginning of my journey with Matt.

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